Did you know that termite damage is not usually covered by your home insurance?
Termites cause over $100 million of damage to homes in Australia each year alone and can cause irreparable damage to a home in under twelve months.
CSIRO surveys indicate that one in three homes have termites within the property boundary
Termites can be found throughout Australia, with the main areas of concern along the coastlines and urban areas.

Here are 5 Tips to prevent termites from damaging your property
1. Reduce areas of moisture around your home
Ensure that the air conditioning unit water outlet and hot water system overflow are redirected away from the base of your home (and preferably into down water pipes). Make sure your outdoor taps are not leaking and watch for leaks in your house (broken roof tiles after a storm, bathrooms, kitchen).
2. Avoid landscaping against external walls
Avoid garden beds (especially mulched) and other landscaping against the external walls of your home. Ensure that weepholes are kept clear. Australian Standards stipulate a 75mm or greater distance between the base of the weepholes around your home and finished ground level.
3. Avoid timber structures in direct contact with the ground
Avoid building timber structures in direct contact with the ground and your home – BEFORE you have any additions built or renovations completed, check with your local Pest Technician and they can advise you on what you need to do to ensure that your property remains termite safe.
4. Store Firewood and timber away from your house
Don’t store firewood / timbers against or near your home. Ensure that firewood is stacked a distance from your house and ideally on concrete blocks or something else that is termite resistant and provides a clear inspection zone underneath the stacked timbers.

5. Make sure you do regular termite inspections
Have a regular visual termite inspection completed by a licenced and insured Pest Inspector (make sure it is an INSPECTION and not a ‘termite check’. The inspections must be completed according to either Australian Standard 3660.2-2017 or Australian Standard 4349.3-2014. Some Companies will lure you in with a ‘free termite check’ . These are NOT proper inspections and will often give the client a false sense of security. The Australian Standard (3660.2-2017) now stipulates that annual termite inspections are mandatory. Although this is not enforceable, why wouldn’t you have an annual inspection done, considering the monetary damage termite can do to your property!